is a great way to sell or buy items. With more than 300.000 ads live at any time, it’s going to be hard to stop every fake ad instantly, so.....check out our tips and stay protected!

Bazaraki safety

Scammers can be both sellers and buyers

How seller can scam you?
How buyer can scam you?
Seller fake emails
Seller scammer chat
Seller scammer link
The email looks like it’s from bazaraki and has a generic greeting, “Hi Dear.”
The email invites you to click on a link to update your payment details.
While, at a glance, this email might look real, it’s not.
The scammers who send emails like this one do not have anything to do with the companies they pretend to be.
Phishing emails can have real consequences for people who give scammers their information.
He wants to be contacted by email first.
The scammer usually helps a friend to sell a product or rent a house.
The scammer sends you an email to
contact him and request communication at the email address he has forwarded.
When you receive an email or sms with a link to pay and a similar image, do not add your card details
Seller scammer link
This feature does not exist
Chat Buyer scammer
SMS buyer scammer
Email buyer scammer
Bazaraki does not send sms to inform sellers that a buyer is interested in their products. If a buyer wants a product then he contacts directly with the seller
Be careful when you receive any emails from buyers.
Chat buyer scammer
Text buyer scammer
Email buyer scammer
Do not give your bank details via sms or message or email.
When they send an email they support they are looking for a long time for this product and they want it straight away.
Once again! Be careful when you receive any emails from buyers.

General rules and safety

Deal face-to-face
Deal locally, face-to-face —follow this one rule and avoid 99% of scam attempts. Use a safe location to meet.
Work with Bazaraki
Check your browser address for If some other website asks you to write your authentication code to gain access to - don't do that, that is a scam
Be aware of cheap prices
Be aware if you encounter really cheap offers. If you see that price of some ad is really lower than average on the market - that may be counterfeit or low-quality product.
Don't pay strangers
Avoid payments to anyone you have not met in person.
Keep safe your financial info
Never reveal financial info (bank account, phone numbers, card details, PayPal account, etc). Even if they insist, they will send you money. Instead of receiving the payment, you may give away your money.

How not to get caught by scammers?

Don’t click on links
You should be extra careful while receiving any payment through bank-affiliated wallets. Instead of receiving the payment, you might, unfortunately, give away your money.
Do not enter PIN: If you receive any request to enter PIN no, it is a scam. Receiving money requires no PIN.
Payment SMS: If you receive a message stating money will be deducted or debited, BEWARE! You should always receive a message stating money will be credited if you are expecting payment.
Watch out for words like Send, Requested by, Pay, etc. They all indicate that money is about to be debited from your account.
Don’t share your mail
If a user asks you for mail, it's most likely a scammer. A malicious link or a fake payment order may be sent to the mail. They usually combine that with an ‘urgent’ message saying that your account has been compromised/there’s been suspicious activity, in the hope that you act quickly and fall for their phishing scam.
Don’t share your login codes on SMS
Do not tell your login code which you received in SMS to anybody! Scammers can use it to post ads under your name. Employees of Bazaraki will never ask the code, only scammers.
Make sure you stay on
They will try to persuade you to contact them outside bazaraki chat by sharing their phone numbers. If you ever find a user sharing his phone number in different patterns, beware!
They will mention the phone number in unusual combinations such as alpha-numeric, containing unnecessary decimals, special characters, and space between numbers.
How to recognize fraud sellers
Check the ad carefully
Fraud sellers do not add their phone numbers to ads. They use as contact method only bazaraki chat or WhatsApp
Fraud sellers are new and they post for the first time (posting since Mar,2021). At the same time have only 1 ad (if you press Other ads from this seller, then you see that there no other ads)
The price is much lower than the other similar products or properties in the same area.
How to recognize fraud buyers
They're trying to find out your banking details
They want to translate communication with Bazaraki into private messages via WhatsApp, SMS or emails
Fraud buyers try to trick you by presenting their messages as messages from the service, whereas Bazaraki never sends messages about interest in your product.
Fraudsters rush you into action all the time. Don't fall for their pressure

Help us make our service safer

If you see a suspicious profile or ad, report it to us. If you have by any mean, revealed card details to anyone that you don't know online:

1. Inform your bank immediately about the incident so they can block any movements.
2. Inform the authorities
3. Please keep all relevant information handy to support your case i.e. payment proofs, chat history, call recordings, etc.
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